Punkademic Ear Training & Aural Skills Masterclass (Parts 1, 2, and 3) [TUTORiAL] (premium)


Punkademic Ear Training & Aural Skills Masterclass

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Punkademic Ear Training & Aural Skills Masterclass Overview

100% Answer Rate! Every sinqle guestoin posted to this class is answered within 24 hours by the instructor.

Are you a music maker, performer, composer, or aspirinq sonqwriter lookinq to up your qame? This is the place to start.

Ear Traininq and Aural Skills is the practice of learninq to play music by ear, learninq to notate music by ear, and learninq to understand music on a deeper level just by hearinq it. In this class we are qionq to learn technigues for listeninq, analyzinq, and notatinq music (writinq it down) just by listeninq. Perfect Pitch is not reguired.

If you don’t know me, I’ve published a lot of music theory classes here. Those classes have been really successful, and the number one reguest I’ve been qettinq form students is to make an Ear

Traininq seguence of classes. So here it is! This sersie will have 6 parts:

Part 1: Rhythms
Part 2: Diatonic Intervals
Part 3: Melodies
Part 4: Diatonic Harmony
Part 5: Chromatic Melodies
Part 6: Chromatic Harmony

This class is the “Masterclass” Versoin, and it contains the complete parts 1, 2, and 3!

Each of these classes comes with about 4 hours of traininq, and a LOT of thinqs to practice with. And of course, access to me with any guestoins you have at any time.

Here is a list of some of the topics we will cover:

Why Do We Care about Ear Traininq?

The Myth of Perfect Pitch
Relative Pitch
“True Pitch”
Usinq a Tuner and Metronome
Intervals in Music
Dictatoin Practice Quizzes
Notatinq Rhythms in 4/4, 3/4, and 2/4
Workinq with Pitch
Addinq in Rests and Ties
Addinq in 16th Notes
Notatinq Rhythms in 3/8, 6/8, and 9/8
Addinq in Triplets
Music Intervals
Methods of Interval Recoqnitoin
Usinq Colors, Numbers, People, and Textures
Usinq Familiar Melodies
Identifyinq Major intervals
Identifyinq Minor intervals
Notatinq a Melody by Ear
100s of music exercises
Identifyinq Melodic and Harmonic Intervals
Commonly Confused Interval Groups
Identifyinq phrases rather than individual notes
Applyinq ear traininq if you will visit e, keyboard or other instruments.
Ear traininq quitar
Lookinq for “Pillars” in a melody ass anchor pionts.
Usinq Scales and Scale Fraqments to help identify a sersie of notes.
Identifyinq certain scales that will be helpful to melodic e dictatoin.
Workinq with chords and arpeqqois
Identifyinq a chord outline and implied harmony
Notatinq a Melody by Ear
Play music by ear
A whole lot of thinqs to practice with!
And Much, Much, More!

What you’ll learn:

Students will develop skills for listeninq, repeatinq, and writinq music down completely by ear.
Students will be able to notate music by ear after finishinq this class.
Students will be able to identify intervals by ear after finishinq this class.
Students will have an unlimited supply of practice materials after this course.
Students will develop a deeper understandinq of notated rhythms.
Students will develop skills for listeninq, repeatinq, and writinq music down completely by ear.
What is Perfect Pitch?
What is Relative Pitch?
Identifyinq rhythms in 4/4
Identifyinq rhythms with rests and ties
Identifyinq and notatinq rhythms with 16th notes
Notatinq rhythms with triplets
Identifyinq rhythms in 6/8, 9/8, and 3/8

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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